Dahulu kala tepatnya tahun 93 H di kota Madinah lahir seorang anak yang di kemudian hari dikenal dengan sebutan Imam Malik.
Kunyah beliau Abu Abdillah, dan nama lengkap beliau Malik bin Anas bin Malik bin Abu ‘Amir bin ‘Amr bin Al Harits bin Ghaiman bin Khutsail bin ‘Amr bin Al Harits Al Himyari Al Ashbahi Al Madani. Beliau diberi gelar Syaikhul Islam, Hujjatul Ummah, Mufti Al Haramain (Mufti dua tanah suci) dan Imam Daarul Hijrah.
Pada tahun yang sama wafat shahabat Nabi Anas bin Malik Radhiyallahu ‘Anhu, pelayan Rasulullah Sholallahu ‘Alaihi Wasallam.
Ayah beliau, Anas adalah seorang ulama besar dari kalangan Tabi’in. Ibu beliau bernama ‘Aliyah bintu Syariik Al Adziyyah. Paman-paman beliau bernama Abu Suhail Nafi’, Uwais, Ar Rabi’, An Nadhar, semuanya putra Abu ‘Amr.
Imam Malik tumbuh dalam suasana yang penuh pengawasan dan perhatian kedua orang tuanya, serba berkecukupan, dan beliau memiliki ketabahan hati yang luar biasa. Beliau berperawakan tinggi besar, berambut putih (beruban) dan berjenggot putih lebat. Beliau berwajah tampan dan kulit beliau putih bersih dengan mata jernih kebiru-biruan. Beliau suka sekali memakai baju putih dan beliau selali memakai pakaian yang bersih.
Pada usia belasan tahun Al Imam Malik mulai menuntut ilmu. Ketika berumur 21 tahun beliau mulai mengajar dan berfatwa. Beliau berguru pada ulama terkenal di antaranya Nafi’, Sa’id Al Maqburi, Amir bin Abdullah bin Zubair, Ibnu Al Mukandir, Az Zuhri, Abdullah bin Dinaar, dan sederet ulama-ulama besar lainnya.
Murid-murid Al Imam Malik banyak sekali. Di antara mereka yang sangat terkenal adalah Ishaq bin Abadullah bin Abu Thalhah, Ayyub bin Abu Tamimah As Sakhtiyani, Ayyub bin Habiib Al Juhani, Ibrahim bin ‘Uqbah, Isma’il bin Abi Hakim, Ismail Ibnu Muhammad bin Sa’ad, dan Al Imam Asy Syafi’i.
Sahabat-sahabat Al Imam Malik diantaranya adalah Ma’mar, Ibnu Juraij, Abu Hanifah, ‘Amr bin Al Harits, Al Auza’i, Syu’bah, Ats Tsauri, Juwairiyyah bin Asma’, Al Laits, Hammad bin Zaid.
Al Imam Malik mempunyai karya yang besar di bidang hadits, yaitu kitab Al Muwattha, karya beliau lainnya adalah Risalah fi Al Qadar, Risalah fi Al Aqdhiyyah, dan satu juz tentang tafsir. Di samping karya-karya beliau lainnya yang tidak disebutkan di sini.
Pujian-pujian yang datang dari para ulama kepada Al Imam Malik membuktikan tingginya reputasi beliau dalam bidang keilmuan, tidak kurang dari murid beliau, Al Imam Asy Syafi’i yang mengatakan, “Ilmu itu berputar-putar di sekitar tiga orang, Malik, Laits, dan Ibnu ‘Uyainah”.
Al Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal menuturkan bahwa Imam Malik ditinjau dari sisi ilmu lebih utama dari Al Auza’i, Ats Tsauri, Al Laits, Hammad, dan Al Hakam.
Al Qaththan berkata, “Beliau (Al Imam Malik) adalah imam yang patut dijadikan panutan”.
Al Imam Malik adalah seorang tokoh yang gigih menyebarkan dan mempertahankan aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah. Pendapat-pendapat beliau tentang Aqidah Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jama’ah tercermin dari ucapan-ucapan beliau diantaranya:
1. Beliau berkata, “Iman itu ucapan dan perbuatan (maksudnya: iman itu keyakinan di dalam hati yang disertai dengan ucapan lisan dan perbuatan anggota badan, pent), bisa bertambah dan berkurang dan sebagiannya lebih utama dari sebagian yang lain.”
2. Beliau berkata, “Al Qur’an itu KALAMULLAH (firman Allah). Kalamullah itu berasal dari Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala. Dan apa yang berasal dari Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala itu sekali-kali bukan makhluk”.
3. Beliau berkata, “Siapa yang mengatakan bahwa Al Qur’an itu makhluk, maka dia harus dicambuk dan dipenjara”.
4. Beliau berpendapat bahwa orang-orang yang beriman akan dapat melihat Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala pada hari kiamat dengan mata kepala mereka.
Berkenaan dengan akhlak yang harus dimiliki oleh penuntut ilmu Al Imam Malik mengatakan, “Hendaknya seorang penuntut ilmu itu memiliki sifat teguh hati (tabah), tenang pembawaannya (berwibawa), dan Khasyyah (takut kepada Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala)”.
Beliau sendiri dikenal sebagai orang yang sangat takwa kepada Allah Subhanahu Wata’ala, berwibawa, dan sangat disegani sebagaimana dikatakan Mushab bin Abdullah dalam syairnya,
Jika Beliau tidak menjawab pertanyaan
pertanyaan tidak diajukan lagi
karena orang segan
itu disebabkan kewibawaan dan
cahaya ketakwaannya
Beliau disegani orang kendati bukan penguasa. Al Imam Malik wafat pada tahun 179 H. Jenazah beliau dimakamkan di pemakaman Baqi’. Semoga Allah mencurahkan rahmat-Nya kepada Imam Malik.
Imam Malik Rahimahullah atau nama sebenar beliau Malik bin Anas bin Malik Amir Al-Harith dilahirkan di Kota Madinah pada 93 Hijrah bersamaan dengan tahun 713 Masihi, iaitu pada zaman pemerintahan Khalifah Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik daripada kerajaan Bani Umaiyah. Beliau berasal dari keturunan Arab yang terhormat dan dimuliakan oleh masyarakat kerana datuknya Amir bin Al-Harith banyak berkorban bersama Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. dalam menegakkan agama Islam. Kehidupan keluarganya yang susah tidak memadamkan cita-citanya untuk menjadi orang yang berilmu. Berkat usahanya yang gigih dan bersungguh-sungguh, akhirnya beliau muncul sebagai seorang ulama, hartawan, dermawan, dan berjaya memegang jawatan Mufti Besar di Madinah. Beliau pernah menjadi guru sedari usia 17 tahun dan dapat mengajar dengan baik walaupun masih muda. Majlis pengajian beliau dilakukan di Masjid Nabawi. Beliau yang juga dikenali sebagai pengasas Mazhab Maliki telah meninggal dunia pada 10 Rabiulawal 179 Hijrah bersamaan 798 Masihi ketika berusia 86 tahun dengan meninggalkan tiga orang putera dan seorang puteri. Mazhab Maliki berkembang di beberapa tempat di dunia seperti Maghribi, Algeria, Libya, Iraq dan Palestin.
Sifat Peribadi
Sepanjang hidupnya, Imam Malik terkenal dengan kecerdasan akal fikirannya yang tinggi sehinggakan mampu menghafal al-Quran dalam usia yang masih muda. Beliau juga terkenal dengan sifat mulia, bersopan-santun, suka memakai pakaian yang bersih, kemas serta bau-bauan yang harum selaras dengan tuntutan agama supaya menjadi orang yang pembersih. Walau bagaimanapun, beliau yang terkenal dengan keramahan dan bergaul dengan semua lapisan masyarakat merupaka seorang yang pendiam dan hanya berkata-kata apabila perlu dan menganggap benda yang akan diucapkan adalah perkara-perkara yang berfaedah sahaja. Beliau juga seorang hartawan yang tidak lokek membelanjakan hartanya ke jalan Allah. Sebagai contoh, beliau pernah membantu Imam as-Syafie sehingga berjaya menjadi ulama terkenal. Beliau seorang yang sangat menghormati hadis-hadis Rasulullah sendiri dan diri baginda sendiri walaupun baginda telah wafat. Beliau dikatakan tidak pernah menunggang sebarang jenis kenderaan di Madinah sebagai tanda menghormati jasad baginda yang tertanam di dalam kubur. Beliau pernah dirotan dengan cemeti sehingga patah tulang belakang kerana mengeluarkan fatwa yang tidak disukai oleh khalifah iaitu isteri yang ditalak secara paksa tidak jatuh talaknya. Ini menunjukkan betapa tabahnya beliau. Kerajinannya mengerjakan ibadat di malam hari pula menunjukkan kewarakan beliau terhadap Allah s.w.t. Prinsip hidup beliau mengenai ilmu ialah orang yang ingin belajar ilmu hendaklah berusaha mencarinya, bukan ilmu yang datang mencarinya. Beliau tidak pernah merungut apabila memberi pendidikan kepada anak-anak muridnya. Beliau akan bersusah-payah memberi kefahaman kepada anak-anak muridnya tentang sesuatu masalah ilmu.
Sejak kecil lagi minatnya terhadap ilmu sudah disemai dalam jiwanya. Beliau telah menghafal ayat-ayat al-Quran dan hadis semenjak kecil dan mendapat pendidikan di Kota Madinah daripada beberapa orang ulama terkenal di sana. Guru pertama beliau adalah Abdul Rahman bin Harman iaitu seorang ulama besar Madinah yang telah memberi pendidikan kepada beliau selama lapan tahun. Akibat dari kecerdasan akalnya yang luar biasa, beliau pernah menghafal 29 buah hadis daripada 30 buah hadis yang dibacakan oleh gurunya dalam satu hari sahaja. Beliau pernah belajar daripada 900 orang guru dari kalangan tabiin dan tabi’ tabiin. Imam Malik banyak menimba ilmu pengetahuan di Kota Madinah yang pada masa itu menjadi pusat pengajian ilmu, khususnya ilmu agama.
Kitab Al-Muattok
‘Al-Muattok’ bererti ‘yang disepakati’ atau ‘tunjang’ atau ‘panduan’ tentang ilmu dan hukum-hukum agama. Al-Muattok merupakan sebuah kitab yang mengandungi hadis-hadis hukum yang dikumpulkan oleh Imam Malik serta pendapat para sahabat dan ulama-ulama tabiin. Kitab ini lengkap dengan pelbagai masalah agama yang merangkumi ilmu hadis, ilmu fiqh dan sebagainya. Semua hadis di dalam kitab ini adalah sahih kerana Imam Malik terkenal dengan sifatnya yang tegas dalam penerimaan hadis tertentu. Beliau sangat berhati-hati ketika menapis, mengasingkan, dan membahas serta menolak riwayat yang meragukan. Daripada 100,000 buah hadis yang dihafal beliau, hanya 10,000 sahaja diakui sah dan daripada 10,000 hadis itu, hanya 5,000 sahaja yang disahkan sahih oleh beliau setelah disiasat dan dipadankan dengan al-Quran. Menurut satu riwayat, Imam Malik menghabiskan 40 tahun untuk mengumpul dan menapis hadis-hadis yang diterima daripada guru-gurunya. Imam Syafie pernah berkata, “Tiada sebuah kitab di muka bumi ini yang lebih banyak mengandungi kebenaran selain daripada kitab al-Muattok karangan Imam Malik.”
Imam Malik
Dr. G.F. Haddad
Malik ibn Anas ibn Malik ibn `Amr, al-Imam, Abu `Abd Allah al-Humyari al-Asbahi al-Madani (93-179), the Shaykh of Islam, Proof of the Community, Imam of the Abode of Emigration, and Knowledgeable Scholar of Madina predicted by the Prophet. The second of the four major mujtahid imams, whose school filled North Africa, al-Andalus, much of Egypt, and some of al-Sham, Yemen, Sudan, Iraq, and Khurasan. He is the author of al-Muwatta’ ("The Approved"), formed of the sound narrations of the Prophet from the people of the Hijaz together with the sayings of the Companions, the Followers, and those after them. It was hailed by al-Shafi`i as the soundest book on earth after the Qur’an, nearest book on earth to the Qur’an, most correct book on earth after the Qur’an, and most beneficial book on earth after the Qur’an according to four separate narrations. Malik said: "I showed my book to seventy jurists of Madina, and every single one of them approved me for it (kulluhum wâta’ani `alayh), so I named it ‘The Approved’." Imam al-Bukhari said that the soundest of all chains of transmission was "Malik, from Nafi`, from Ibn `Umar." The scholars of hadith call it the Golden Chain, and there are eighty narrations with this chain in the Muwatta’.
Among those Malik narrated from in the Muwatta’: Ayyub al-Sakhtyani, Ja`far ibn Muhammad (al-Sadiq), Zayd ibn Aslam, `Ata’ al-Khurasani, al-Zuhri, Ibn al-Munkadir, `Alqama, Nafi` the freedman of Ibn `Umar, and others. Among those who narrated from Malik: al-Zuhri, Ibn Jurayj, Abu Hanifa, al-Awza`i, Sufyan al-Thawri, Shu`ba, Ibn al-Mubarak, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan, `Abd al-Rahman ibn Mahdi, Waki`, Yahya al-Qattan, al-Shafi`i, Ibn Wahb, Abu Dawud al-Tayalisi, `Abd al-Razzaq, and many others.
The Prophet said: "Very soon will people beat the flanks of camels in search of knowledge, and they shall find no-one more knowledgeable than the knowledgeable scholar of Madina." Al-Tirmidhi, al-Qadi `Iyad, Dhahabi and others relate from Sufyan ibn `Uyayna, `Abd al-Razzaq, Ibn Mahdi, Ibn Ma`in, Dhu’ayb ibn `Imama, Ibn al-Madini, and others that they considered that scholar to be Malik ibn Anas. It is also related from Ibn `Uyayna that he later considered it to be `Abd Allah ibn `Abd al-`Aziz al-`Umari. Al-Dhahabi said of the latter: "He possessed knowledge and good fiqh, spoke the truth fearlessly, ordered good, and remained aloof from society. He used to press Malik in private to renounce the world and seclude himself."
Abu Mus`ab said: "Malik did not pray in congregation [in the Prophet’s mosque] for twenty-five years. He was asked: ‘What is preventing you?’ He said: ‘Lest I see something reprehensible and be obligated to change it.’" Another narration from Abu Mus`ab states: "After Malik left the [Prophet’s] mosque he used to pray in his house with a congregation that followed him, and he prayed the Jum`a prayer alone in his house." Ibn Sa`d narrates from Muhammad ibn `Umar: "Malik used to come to the Mosque and pray the prayers and the Jum`a, as well as the funeral prayers. He used to visit the sick and sit in the Mosque where his companions would came and saw him. Then he quit sitting there, instead he would pray and leave, and he quit attending the funeral prayers. Then he quit everything, neither attending the prayers nor the Jum`a in the mosque. Nor would he visit anyone who was sick or other than that. The people bore with it, for they were extremely fond of him and respected him too much. This lasted until he died. If asked about it, he said: ‘Not everyone can mention his excuse.’"
Ibn `Abd al-Barr said that Malik was the first who compiled a book formed exclusively of sound narrations. Abu Bakr ibn al-`Arabi said: "The Muwatta’ is the first foundation and the core, while al-Bukhari’s book is the second foundation in this respect. Upon these two all the rest have built, such as Muslim and al-Tirmidhi." Shah Wali Allah said something similar and added that it is the principal authority of all four Schools of Law, which stand in relation to it like the commentary stands in relation to the main text. Malik composed it in the course of forty years, having started with ten thousand narrations until he reduced them to their present number of under 2,000.
Al-Suyuti said: "There is no mursal narration in the Muwatta’ except it has one or several strengthening proofs (`âdid aw `awâdid)." Ibn `Abd al-Barr composed a book in which he listed all the narrations of the Muwatta’ that are either mursal, or munqati`, or mu`dal, and he provided complete sound chains for all of them except four:
"In truth I do not forget, but I am made to forget so that I shall start a Sunna." This is the second hadith in the book of Sahw.
"The Prophet was shown the lifespans of people before his time, or whatever Allah willed of it, and seemed alarmed that the lifespans of his Community were too brief to reach the amount of deeds reached by previous communities who lived long. Whereupon Allah gave him the Most Precious Night (layla al-qadr), which is better than a thousand months." This is the fifteenth hadith in the book of I`tikaf.
Mu`adh ibn Jabal said: "The last instruction I received from Allah’s Messenger when I put my foot in the stirrup was: ‘Beautify your manners for the people, O Mu`adh ibn Jabal!’" This is the first hadith of the book of Husn al-Khuluq.
"If clouds appear towards the sea then go northwards, that is the mark of heavyish rain." This is the fifth hadith of the book of Istisqa’.
Among the hadith masters, al-`Iraqi and his student Ibn Hajar agreed with Ibn `Abd al-Barr that the above four hadiths have no chain, but others follow a different view: Shaykh Muhammad al-Shinqiti mentioned in his Dalil al-Salik ila Muwatta’ al-Imam Malik (p. 14) that Shaykh Salih al-Fulani al-`Umari al-Madani said: "Ibn al-Salah provided complete chains for the four hadiths in question in an independent epistle which I have in my possession, written in his own hand." Shaykh Ahmad Shakir said: "But al-Shinqiti did not mention what these chains were, and so the scholars cannot judge on the question."
Al-Zurqani counted as sixty-nine the number of those who narrated the Muwatta’ directly from Malik, geographically spread as follows:
- Seventeen in Madina, among them Abu Mus`ab Ahmad ibn Abi Bakr al-Zuhri, whose version has received a recent edition;
- Two in Mecca, among them al-Shafi`i;
- Ten in Egypt, among them `Abd Allah ibn Wahb, `Abd Allah ibn Yusuf al-Tinnisi al-Dimashqi, whose narration al-Bukhari chose, and Dhu al-Nun al-Misri;
- Twenty-seven in Iraq, among them `Abd al-Rahman ibn Mahdi, whose narration Ahmad ibn Hanbal chose, Yahya ibn Yahya al-Tamimi al-Hanzali al-Naysaburi, whose narration Muslim chose, and Abu Hanifa’s student Muhammad ibn al-Hasan al-Shaybani, whose version has been published but greatly differs from the others and also contains other than what is narrated from Malik, so that it became known as Muwatta’ Muhammad;
- Thirteen in al-Andalus, among them the jurist Yahya ibn Yahya al-Laythi "the Sage of al-Andalus" û thus nicknamed by Malik himself û whose version is the most commonly used today and is the version meant by the term "Malik’s Muwatta’." He is mainly responsible for the spread of the Maliki School in al-Andalus.
- Two from al-Qayrawan;
- Two from Tunis;
- Seven from al-Sham.
Imam Malik is the connection of the entire Islamic Community to the knowledge of the Sunna as it was preserved by the scholars of the Prophet’s city, al-Madina. This reference-point of his school of jurisprudence is observed time and again in the Muwatta’ with the phrase: "And this is what I have found (or seen) the people of knowledge practicing." He was keenly aware of his mission as both the transmitter and the elucidator of the Sunna. This is characteristic of his students’ praise of him, beginning with al-Shafi`i’s famous sayings: "No-one constitutes as great a favor to me in Allah’s Religion as Malik" and "When the scholars of knowledge are mentioned, Malik is the guiding star." `Abd Allah ibn Wahb said: "Every memorizer of hadith that does not have an Imam in fiqh is misguided (dâll), and if Allah had not rescued us with Malik and al-Layth (ibn Sa`d), I would have been misguided." Abu Mus`ab recounts the following story:
I went in to see Malik ibn Anas. He said to me: "Look under my place of prayer or prayer-mat and see what is there." I looked and found a certain writing. He said: "Read it." It contained the account of a dream which one of his brothers had seen and which concerned him. Malik recited it [from memory]: "I saw the Prophet in my sleep. He was in his mosque and the people were gathered around him, and he said: ‘I have hidden for you under my pulpit (minbar) something good – or: knowledge – and I have ordered Malik to distribute it to the people.’" Then Malik wept, so I got up and left him.
The caliph Abu Ja`far al-Mansur had forbidden Malik to narrate the hadith: "The divorce of the coerced does not take effect" (laysa `ala mustakrahin / li mukrahin talâq). Then a spy came to Malik and asked him about the issue, whereupon Malik narrated the hadith in front of everyone. He was seized and lashed until his shoulder was dislocated and he passed out. When he came to, he said: "He [al-Mansur] is absolved of my lashing." When asked why he had absolved him, Malik replied: "I feared to meet the Prophet after being the cause for the perdition of one of his relatives." Ibrahim ibn Hammad said he saw Malik being carried up and walking away, carrying one of his hands with the other. Then they shaved his face and he was mounted on a camel and paraded. He was ordered to deprecate himself aloud, whereupon he said: "Whoever knows me, knows me; whoever does not know me, my name is Malik ibn Anas, and I say: The divorce of the coerced is null and void!" When news of this reached Ja`far ibn Sulayman (d. 175) the governor of Madina and cousin of al-Mansur, he said: "Bring him down, let him go."
Imam Malik held the hadith of the Prophet in such reverence that he never narrated anything nor gave a fatwa unless in a state of ritual purity. Isma`il ibn Abi Uways said: "I asked my uncle û Malik û about something. He bade me sit, made ablution, sat on the couch, and said: la hawla wa la quwwata illa billah. He did not give a fatwa except he said it first." Al-Haytham said: "I heard Malik being asked forty eight questions, to thirty-two of which he replied: ‘I do not know.’" Abu Mus`ab reported that Malik said: "I did not give fatwas before seventy scholars first witnessed to my competence to do it."
Malik’s ethics, together with the states of awe and emotion which were observed on him by his entourage, were no doubt partly inherited from great shaykhs of his such as Ja`far al-Sadiq, Ibn Hurmuz, and Ibn Shihab al-Zuhri. He visited his shaykh Ibn Hurmuz (d. 148) every day from morning to night for a period of about eight years and recounts: "I would come to Ibn Hurmuz, whereupon he would order the servant to close the door and let down the curtain, then he would start speaking of the beginning of this Umma, and tears would stream down his beard." The Maliki shaykh Ibn Qunfudh al-Qusantini (d. 810) wrote:
It was the practice of the Pious Predecessors and the Imams of the past that whenever the Prophet was mentioned in their presence they were overwhelmed by reverence, humbleness, stillness, and dignity. Ja`far ibn Muhammad ibn `Ali ibn al-Husayn ibn `Ali ibn Abi Talib would turn pale whenever he heard the Prophet mentioned. Imam Malik would not mention a hadith except in a state of ritual purity. `Abd al-Rahman ibn al-Qasim ibn Muhammad ibn Abu Bakr al-Siddiq would turn red and stammer whenever he heard the Prophet mentioned. As for `Amir ibn `Abd Allah ibn al-Zubayr ibn al-`Awamm al-Asadi (one of the early Sufis), he would weep until his eyes had no tears left in them. When any hadiths were mentioned in their presence they would lower their voices. Malik said: "The Prophet’s sacredness (hurma) is in death is as his sacredness was in life."
Qutayba said: "When we went to see Malik, he would come out to us adorned, wearing kuhl on his eyes, perfumed, wearing his best clothes, sit at the head of the circle, call for palm-leaf fans, and give each one of us a fan." Muhammad ibn `Umar: "Malik’s circle was a circle of dignity and courtesy. He was a man of majestic countenance and noblity. There was no part for self-display, vain talk, or loud speech in his circle. His reader would read for all, and no-one looked into his own book, nor asked questions, out of awe before Malik and out of respect for him."
When the caliph al-Mahdi sent his sons Harun and Musa to learn from Malik, the latter would not read to them but told them: "The people of Madina read before the scholar just like children read to the teacher, and if they make a mistake, he corrects them." Similarly when Harun al-Rashid with his own two sons requested Malik to read for them, he replied: "I have stopped reading for anybody a long time ago." When Harun requested the people to leave so that he could read freely before Malik, the latter also refused and said: "If the common people are forbidden to attend because of the particulars, the latter will not profit." It is known that Malik’s way in the transmission of hadith, like Ibn al-Musayyib, `Urwa, al-Qasim, Salim, Nafi`, al-Zuhri, and others, was `ard ("reading by the student") and not samâ` ("audition from the shaykh"), although the student states by convention, in both cases: "So-and-so narrated to us."
The caliph Harun al-Rashid said to Malik after hearing his answers to certain questions he put to him: "You are, by Allah! the wisest of people and the most knowledgeable of people." Malik replied: "No, by Allah! O Leader of the Believers." He said: "Yes! But you keep it hidden. By Allah! If I live, I shall put your sayings in writing like the mushafs are put down in writing, and I shall disseminate them to the ends of the world." But Malik refused.
When one of the caliphs manifested his intention to replace the Prophet’s wooden pulpit with a pulpit of silver and jewels Malik said: "I do not consider good the hindrance of the people from access to the Prophet’s relics." (lâ ara an yuhrama al-nâsu athara rasulillah.)
Among Malik’s sayings:
From Ibn Wahb: "Knowledge Allah places wherever He wills. It does not consist in narrating a lot."
From Ibn Wahb: "The saying has reached methat none renounces the world and guards himself except he will speak wisdom."
From Ibn Wahb: "Knowledge diminishes and does not increase. Knowledge has diminished incessantly after the Prophets and the Books."
From `Abd Allah ibn `Abd al-Hakam: "The Companions differed in the Branches (al-furû`) and split into factions (tafarraqû), and each one of them was correct in himself."
From Ja`far ibn `Abd Allah: "We were with Malik when a man came and asked him: ‘O Abu `Abd Allah! "The Merciful is established over the Throne" (20:5): how is He established?’ Nothing affected Malik as much as that man’s question. He looked at the ground and started prodding it with a twig he held in his hand until he was completely soaked in sweat. Then he lifted his head and said: ‘The "how" of it is inconceivable; the "establishment" part of it is not unknown; belief in it is obligatory; asking about it is an innovation; and I believe that you are a man of innovation.’ Then he gave an order and the man was led out."
From Ibn Wahb: "We were with Malik when a man asked him: ‘O Abu `Abd Allah! "The Merciful is established over the Throne" (20:5): how is His establishment?’ Malik lowered his head and began to sweat profusely. Then he lifted up his head and said: ‘"The Merciful is established over the Throne" just as He described Himself. One cannot ask "how." "How" does not apply to Him. And you are an evil man, a man of innovation. Take him out!’ The man was led out."
From Yahya ibn Yahya al-Tamimi and Malik’s shaykh Rabi`a ibn Abi `Abd al-Rahman: "We were with Malik when a man came and asked him: ‘O Abu `Abd Allah! "The Merciful is established over the Throne" (20:5): how is He established?’ Malik lowered his head and remained thus until he was completely soaked in sweat. Then he said: ‘The establishment is not unknown; the "how" is inconceivable; belief in it is obligatory; asking about it is an innovation; and I do not think that you are anything but an innovator.’ Then he ordered that the man be led out."
From Ma`n: "Disputation (al-jidâl) in the Religion fosters self-display, does away with the light of the heart and hardens it, and bequeaths aimless wandering."
From Ma`n and others: "There are four types of narrators one does not take from: An outright scoffer, even if he is the greatest narrator; an innovator who invites people to his innovation; someone who lies about people, even if I do not charge him with mendacity in hadith; and a righteous, honorable worshipper if he does not memorize what he narrates." Malik’s last clause refers to the two conditions sine qua non of the trustworthy narrator, who must possess not only moral uprightness (`adâla) but also accuracy in transmission (dabt). The clause elucidates the paradox current among hadith scholars whereby "No-one lies more than the righteous." The reason for this is that the righteous do not doubt the Muslim’s attribution of a saying to his Prophet, and so they accept it without suspicion, whereas al-Shafi`i said: "If Malik had the slightest doubt about a hadith, he discarded the entire hadith." Dr. Nur al-Din `Itr said: "The manner of the righteous who narrate everything indiscriminately stems from purity of heart and good opinion, and the scholars have said about such narrators: ‘Lies run off their tongue without their intending it.’" There is a fundamental difference between the latter and those who deliberately forge lies or narrate forgeries passed for hadith, and who are condemned by the Prophet’s saying: "Whoever lies about me willfully, let him take now his seat in the Fire!"
From Ibn al-Qasim: "Malik used to say: ‘Belief increases.’ He would stop short of saying that it decreases."
From Ibn Abi al-Zubayr: "I saw `Ata’ ibn Abi Rabah enter the [Prophet’s] Mosque, then take hold of the pommel of the Pulpit, after which he faced the Qibla [to pray]."
In the Muwatta’: "Shaving the moustache is an innovation." It is elsewhere related that Malik himself was tall, heavyset, imposing of stature, very fair, with white hair and beard but bald, with a huge beard and blue eyes; he "detested and condemned" shaving of the moustache, and he always wore beautiful clothes, especially white.
Narrated by Ibn Abi Zayd: "The turban was worn from the beginning of Islam and it did not cease to be worn until our time. I did not see anyone among the People of Excellence except they wore the turban, such as Yahya ibn Sa`id, Rabi`a, and Ibn Hurmuz. I would see in Rabi`a’s circle more than thirty men wearing turbans and I was one of them; Rabi`a did not put it down until the Pleiades rose and he used to say: ‘I swear that I find it increases intelligence.’ Jibril was seen in the image of (the Companion) Dihya (ibn Khalifa) al-Kalbi wearing a turban with its extremity hanging between his shoulder-blades." Ashhab said: "When Malik wore the turban he passed it under his chin and let its extremity hang behind his back, and he wore musk and other scents."
Main sources: Abu Nu`aym, Hilya al-Awliya’ 6:345-392 #386; al-Dhahabi, Siyar A`lam al-Nubala’ 7:382-437 #1180; M. Fouad `Abd al-Baqi, Introduction to Malik’s Muwatta’.
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